Women’s day in Bavaria, learning from past for future

Women's day in Bavaria is a good opportunity to think about past history. Tours for women are more than just shopping.

Women’s day in Bavaria is a good opportunity to think about past history. Tours for women are more than just shopping. One of my favorite subjects for a tour designed for women in Munich is the life of our first queen.

An interesting subject for women’s day out

Not for women only and also very important when learning about Bavaria in the early centuries.

This time enjoy my review about Queen Karoline von Bayern (or Bavaria).

The mysterious life of Karoline of Baden

Karoline, the princess of Baden, is, in my opinion, one of the most stunning women of the 18th-century. She was a very significant queen in the history from Bavaria. While choosing among the best things to do in Munich, don’t miss to visit one of many exhibitions dedicated to important women in Bavaria.

She lived just a few decades before feminism starts to spread across Europe. Women became their educational rights and better overall status in society.

According to some documents, she wasn’t a friend of Napoleon Bonapart. Actually not many women were pleased with his attitude, but he wasn’t the first disconsidering the value of women in politics.

Early years and education

Born in 1776 as Friederike Karoline of Baden, the princess was an intelligent and confident woman with great manners. Thanks to her royal background, Karoline had a chance to gain an excellent education. She was the daughter of princess Amelia of Hesse-Darmstadt and father Karl Ludwig of Baden. Unlike the England and France of that time, higher education in Bavaria was mostly reserved for men. Girls were allowed to attend schools until the age of 16.

Marriage and first residence in Munich

When Karoline was 20 years old, she got married to a Maximilian Joseph, a Duke of Bavaria. The Duke was widowed with 4 children. Karoline had to accept the role of a stepmother in her early life. A royal couple moved to a beautiful Schloss Rohrbach castle In Bavaria. There are excellent outdoor tours perfect for small group travel since the area is just 60 km away from Munich. The castle was rebuilt a few times and known as one of their favorite residences.

The private life of the first queen of Bavaria

Karoline and Max Joseph had 8 children, but unfortunately, not all of them lived long. Karoline faced a loss of 3 children. She remained strong and devoted to both, her own and stepchildren as well. She was respected and loved by her husband, and allowed to keep her Protestant religion after getting married.  The royal couple loved to spend time with their children close to the beautiful Tegernsee Abbey monastery. Karoline was thrilled with stunning nature and surroundings.

An exciting life of Karoline of Bayern got a new twist in 1806. Her husband was crowned as a King of Bavaria. She became a queen. In the following years, she was very active in supporting the Protestants and helping her husband in political matters. Even if happened behind closed doors.

The end of the first Bayern’s monarchs

When Max Joseph died, queen Karoline refused to obey to her stepson wish and move to baroque Würzburg Residence. Instead, she moved to a beautiful mansion located in Biederstein Park, where she lived until her death in 1841. In case of bad weather, you can check to visit the Munich Residence. Enjoy the apartment where she lived with her husband.

For your calendar

Women in Bavaria’s attention: The next international women’s day will be announced.