Tomato sauce for pizza is applied to the fresh dough with a brush. Since there is less water in this paste, the pizza stays crispy with no soft spots.
- 100 g tomato paste
- 40 g tomatoes in cubes
- 30 g sunflower seeds
- 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
- 2 teaspoons of lime juice
- 1 teaspoon salt
- Black pepper
- basil
- oregano
- rosemary
Preparation for tomato sauce for pizza
Preparation time: approx. 10 min.
- Put the ingredients in a deep beaker.
- Puree well.
- Reduce two canning jars.
- Pour the mixture into the hot glasses.
- Cover and seal with a tablespoon of rapeseed oil.
- This paste keeps well for up to three months.